
Christmas Carols & Cards

What is Christmas without children excitedly  peering at every package under the tree, making wild guesses as to what wonderful thing is hiding inside just waiting to be opened to astound and thrill? And what do we adults do or think when we see the joy on those little faces? Well, we usually have 1119381_19125217 Xmas tree canes stockings clipart sore jaws from the smiles of pleasure that are locked across our faces. I for one love to be around when our gorgeous granddaughters tear at the wrappings of each gift handed out to them by their parents. Handed out by the parents, yes, but of course delivered during the night by Santa.children_outside_with_christmas_tree_card-p137712452828745265q6k5_400 framed  Parking his reindeer pulled sleigh for a moment on their roof he slips into the house with his enormous, over laden bag of wonders. After depositing a host  of goodies under the tree he speeds quickly away to bring Christmas joy to other sleeping tots. But, wonder of wonders, he always manages to finish the milk and cookies left out to give him energy for his gigantic task. (They are still too young to ask a lot of questions, but they can often be seen looking quizzically at the plethora of Santas that can be seen in most large shops being very HO! HO!).  Still that will have to wait for another time; the way things are right now is okay by them. No rocking that boat - at least not this year.
Our two granddaughters, Rowan and Jaris, are very keen on a lot of things - drawing and colouring being undoubtedly the absolute favourite. They draw and colour hour after hour. You need never wonder if they’re bored. “How is it possible to be bored when there are so many wonderful things to  fill the day?” would be the rejoinder were you to pose such a question to them.Well, one of those things is the choral group they belong to. Grandma and I and the parents attended their Christmas concert this year and it was a joy. Childrens' voices raised in song, what an ear-ringing pleasure. A special treat, was the result of a contest the choir had this year, to have a Christmas Card sale in which the child or children who’s card was deemed the most successful would see them printed professionally and put on sale to raise funds for the choir.new24819Ro & Jar flower framed
Well, joy of joys, both Rowan and Jaris’s cards were chosen! Not because they are siblings, but simply because they were the ones the judges felt were the best and most saleable.  So there they are, the covers of the cards, and the beautiful, talented young girls.

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