
The Winds of Sinhala

I am re-posting this short piece because I believe it be a constant, relevant aphorism. We assume so much of others and so little of ourselves. I often feel that there are many times when a mirror should be thrust in front of us, that we might look deeply into our own motives before we open our mouths to comment on anothers.

The Winds of Sinhala - (Excerpt) (Edited) 

A man needs to be responsible for others in order to exist.  - Colin de Silva  (The Winds of Sinhala)

One of the most important things in life is to remember that people can only be themselves. We expect them to behave in a certain way. When they do not, our reaction - the hurt, the sorrow, the grief - is indeed the final product of their action. But it is still our own reaction. After all, the same behavior can make one person laugh and another cry. We will never know whether people try as hard to make us happy as we would like them to, or whether they have tried at all, but we must not blame them for being what they are, merely because it is a disappointment to us.
It is love that enables us to accept people as they are. Love can emerge
suddenly, or it can be the product of a relationship. Since its
seemingly natural form is with blood ties, such as between parents and
children, brothers and sister, we expect too much from these ties.

A man needs to be responsible for others in order to exist.  - Colin de Silva (The Winds of Sinhala)

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