

      IM003314      “Adieu, petite poisson, Requiem Aeternam, eternal rest be yours. You were never meant to fly, I hope you realize that now. That second attempt was your last, your not going to get another one, only cats get that.”
    Lazarus, of whom I wrote a few short months ago has followed his little friend - who swam away into the great hereafter 18 months ago - and now he too dwells in the cool and gentle waters of the great fish pond in the sky. He learned the hard way that flying was only for certain fish and almost all birds, but not for little starry eyed goldfish.
    “Now you rest beneath a special rose., little one. You may have noticed it, it grew in a wooden tub a short distance from your pond. A miniature, like you, also a beauty, with the startling name of, “Hot Tamale,” which I guess would please you greatly. Remember how you used to race around your home as though you’d just eaten one. Ah! Well, fella, I guess when you gotta go you gotta go! Thanks for the memory little guy, of your glinting, golden self, drifting through the lily pads . RIP!”


Anita said...

Sorry about Lazarus. At least he was a very ambitious little fish and had a good home while he was here.

Gordon Wales said...

And now there is a pretty little fountain in his pond. C'est la vie!