
A Look At The Future

     Okay, Anita, and others who may be asking to be told what happened after we -- my wife and our four boys -- arrived in Vancouver.  Well, for me it was a homecoming, (outside of a visit for a couple of weeks earlier that same year, 1976, to  judge my chances of doing well in my career as a potter .Yup! there were some great changes made in my life). EPSON scanner image I had been away for 23 years, a long time, almost a generation, and many, many things had happened in those intervening years. But, I am going to do a brief move into the future at this point, and set out a few moments of the years between arriving home and penning this blog.
     We were met at the airport by my brother-in-law, Bun. Bun, and my dear sister, Peggy, had set up house for us in their basement, and for 3 months we lived with them, housed, and fed. Peggy also gave us an old car that had been sitting in the lane behind their house for ages, which got us around very well for almost 2 years. Afraid we were overstaying our welcome (I mean, The Man Who Came To Dinner and all that!), we moved into a house in Surrey, at the time a large unorganized area 20 miles from Vancouver, and now a very large city, and growing larger every year.    
     There were many ups and downs for all of us in our new lives, especially for the two older boys. It took them a long time to adjust to the vast differences between living and schooling in Canada and South Africa. They struggled and sometimes things went well, but at times not so. They both went back to South Africa for a spell but wisely decided to return and make a go of it. Janet got a job as a bookkeeper with Weight Watchers, and I worked on, struggling to make my potteryEPSON scanner image business a success, and my pots popular. Fortunately I did, and began to get a number of fine shops to carry my work.
     During this period I also did some work with amateur theatrics, directing and choreographing a couple productions. Then a big change. During our stay in Surrey we sponsored a young South African couple, recently married. The wife was a doctor - which stood her in good stead for a residency in Canada. They stayed with us for a short time after their arrival, but very soon  moved to a small, out-of-the-way town in the interior, where there was need for a resident doctor. After remaining for a couple of years they decided it was too remote for them, and moved over to Salt Spring Island, where she acted as locum for another doctor, finally taking over the practice.
      The above is apropos to the next 18 years of our lives. We, that's me, Janet, and the kids, decided to visit the couple after hearing so many wonderful things they had to say about the Island. We planned it for Labor Day weekend,  September 1980 . We were only planning to spend a couple of days with our friends, have a look at what the fuss was all about, and then head back to Surrey.

But fate stepped in. We  fell hook-line-and-sinker in love with the Island, came back to Surrey, put our house up for sale, sold it, and moved lock-stock-and-barrel onto Salt Spring, arriving the day before Halloween, October 1980! Almost two months to the day after our two day visit.
      Needless to say I am not going to go into a lengthy description of the Island -- a gorgeous place - or give a day-by-day, blow-by-blow breakdown of the those years. It is enough to say that we loved living there, even when things did not always go well. Then again, isn't that the way of life? Things happen that bring pain, and others that bring joy, but through it all we find that life is really worth living. I think that mainly it's because our natural curiosity wants to know what's waiting around the next corner.
     The younger boys went through grade school and high school on the Island. The two older ones stayed a short while, and then went back to the mainland, and to other places to fulfill their lives. Janet worked as an accountant/bookkeeper at a Senior Care Center, and I made pots.Pottery shots - casseroles etc. 001

     My studio was attached to our house. It contained my wheel, the kiln (electric, which warmed the studio beautifully in winter), and all the other paraphernalia necessary for a working, and productive, one man pottery business. I had been trained in South Africa, and as the studio there used electricity to fire the pots I decided to stay with that method in Canada.
Bisqued Pots ready for glazing
Besides I had developed successful glazes that mimicked, to an extent, colors associated with those achieved by gas or wood firings, and also, the learning curve to change to another firing method was not worth the time or the expense.
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Anita said...

So NOW I KNOW!!!! And I remember seeing you working in your studio on Salt Spring Island ....... must have been in 1994.

Gordon Wales said...

Yep! Now you know.

Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you