
All Hail Old Winter’s Blast!

I jest. Truly, I jest. Who is honestly going to praise that hoary old man when he comes far earlier than expected, and does not bear gifts.  Okay, maybe we could extend a little magnanimousness (a little what? How pretentious! Guilty...but I said it first!), towards a couple of points: the enhancing beauty created by pristine snow decorating trees and shrubs; the undoubted charm of  rich red and orange hues on lush, swollen, rose hips;image or holly bows, laden with Christmas ready blood red berries, made bolder still by their white framing. Yes, yes . . . but his arrival on the scene so very early was totally unnecessary! Anyway. . . not to cry over fallen snow, and - to show that I can be generous - I did get out to take advantage of the early covering. With tripod Photographic CollectionSnow Scenes with birds 007and camera in hand, myself well bundled up, I managed a few photos displaying the old man’s white cape, so expertly cast about the land, and which, I must confess, does show a certain "je ne sais quois."

This little chap was so busy scratchingPhotographic CollectionSnow Scenes with birds 017 through the snow - searching  for seeds fallen from a feeder above it’s head - that it totally ignored me standing near. Others soon arrived but were equally occupied, running thither and yon in their own searches. I could only manage to capture one of them at a time. Still it was fun trying, trusting they would hold still long enough for a portrait. Fortunately my camera, a Fuji S1600, has a speedy capture rate.Photographic CollectionSnow Scenes with birds 008 
Snow flakes falling by the woodshed, white topped logs on the seashore, and tinseled firs in the neighbors yard, all lend a view to winter’s one grace. Photographic CollectionSnow Scenes with birds 022Of course, if you’re a cross country or downhill skier or a snowboarder, it must be great that the white stuff has piled up so high so soon. And if, by any chance, you're  planning to partake  in a 1000 Mile Sled Dog Race in the Yukon - complete with huskies - then you’re away ahead of me in the undoubted pleasures that can be found in our Wonder of Wonderlands - this beautiful province, and the Territories above.
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1 comment:

Anita said...

GREAT word -- magnanimousness -- Can I borrow it?
Love the views of your beach and I like the new heading!