
Another Place to Start

     I’ve been thinking about this – you know, starting, finding a beginning – and I thought “Does everything have to begin at the beginning? How about starting at the end?” Of course that wouldn’t work unless we decided to make that the beginning and go backwards, then again, it’s been done. Often. Successfully. Hmmm. Okay, I said to me, how about just starting anywhere, near the beginning, half way from the end, just off centre – right or left, up or IMGP0176Photo shelves with vasesdown- enough already just start somewhere ! Alright! Alright already, I’m starting! Don’t push! Ahem. . .! If you’re proud of  a neat and tidysnapshot.png black desk uncluttered desk, a broom closet that holds only brooms and such and closes easily,  if your photo albums are all up to date, and in order then perhaps I may upset you, but, you can always let me know about it and I will listen. Yes, I will listen. I promise, I will listen and listen. I’m a good listener. I’ve got large ears, listening ears. I’ve got large feet as well, but that’s not the point is it? I could try listening with my feet, but my ears might get jealous and who knows where that would lead - nowhere. Heavens, I don’t want to start nowhere! I’ll just start! No chronology here, just plain ordinary movement, left, right or centre. Q.E.D.

I have no doubts that the Devil grins,
  As seas of ink I spatter.
Ye gods, forgive my “literary” sins –
     The other kind don’t matter.

                                                           Robert Service

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