
Set The Alarm For Music (cont)

   Please, dear reader, I ask in all humility that you read the previous post first before perusing further - otherwise you may wonder what in (that fiery place) is going on.

     Wow! I thought the roof of the house had blown off! 
      I'm not referring at this moment to the climax in the Wagner piece, it's those yodelling Valkyries! Boy-o-boy-yo, they're sure out in full force this a.m. Gad zooks, but how the wind doth blow, the surf doth foam, and the winds doth play "shake-em-up" with the trees! Yet me begins to think that along with their flying beasts those weight challenged ladies must be tiring. What prompts me to come to this assumption? Well, 'cause the howling and screeching inside the windy gusts swirling madly around the house doth appear to lessen, which gives credence to my assumption, that they're finally considering coming in for a landing.
     "Ye gads, look at that, it also doth snow! Verily and forsooth! Ah, but not for long I warrant!"
     Thank you, Mother, for yesterday!
      Going back now to the Mahler morning -  for I have digressed. . . "Excuse me, what did you just say? I have what?"  "Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb." "Well, that's a bit unkind. . . but, ahem, there is a grain of truth in your charge, so I forgive you. Kiss, kiss." . . .Ahem, now were were we? Oh yes. . . Janet and I decided we needed to get out for the day, being too long cooped up, making only little visits here and there, you know, doctors, optometrists, hospitals, etc., fun stuff!! Heavens! The way today turned out we waited almost too long!
     What a glorious one we chose! The "Where are we going to go on this special day?" question (particularly special because of the Mahler), had been tentatively decided the evening before, and the morning's perfection capped it for us.  Mt. Arrowsmith Golf Course and Country Club!
     "You're a golfer?" I hear you exclaim. "I had no idea, not a clue. You are a sly one!" Well, keep that thought.  

       Listen, the closest I've come to being involved in any way with golf was when I was ball bonked on the head by a wide swing from an obviously lousy player a few years back, just as I was about to climb into my car parked near a golf course down island. True, and again this week when my doctor told me - I had gone to have a mighty painful elbow seen to - that I was suffering from "Golfer's Elbow." I roared with laughter, as did he, being cognizant of how ridiculous that was. And here's me thinking I had "Tennis Elbow!" Which was equally hilarious since I have never played either of those sports! It's nice to be able roar with laughter about things like that, especially when you have a feeling that you may have to have your arm - or maybe they could just take the elbow - removed because there is no way it can be saved.
        Anywhichway, though it is true that the words golf, golfer, or golf course could have been in our thoughts when we were deciding where to have our little outing, Janet came up with the perfect destination.
        It was a most appropriate link (no pun intended), because, because, because of the many, many times over the years we had driven by it on our countless up and down
the island trips on highway 19A. We had vowed repeatedly that one day we would follow the arrows pointing off the highway to where Mt. Arrowsmith Golf Course and Country Club stood, and pay it a visit. Though neither of us are golfers we wanted to make the visit a satisfying resolution to a long standing desire, and also, being practical, a hope that they would serve up a tasty and worthwhile lunch. (We had  known, during those long years, that they had a dining lounge. . . it said so on the directional sign at the side of the highway! Gee! So. . .).

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