
Spelbound - Britain's Got Talent 2010 - Auditions Week 2

     I am sitting here at the keyboard, still stunned by the performance of the group in this video. As  Cowell says, “I can honestly say, I've never seen anything like this in my life!”   
     Less than 10 minutes ago I found it on the web, and had to post it into my blog. I cannot image anyone not being moved , and excited by this troupe.
     The humility of these kids, and their utter surprise at the reaction of the audience, leaves one humbled. What other great talents will we see, brought forth without fanfare from the ‘ordinary’ folk of Britain. Susan Boyle and then this! WOW!


Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Glad you found it and I had tears in my eyes watching. I just wish they had kept the whole thing on the performance and not back and forth between them, the audience and the judges. Thanks for sharing.

Gordon Wales said...

I couldn't watch it without tears in my eyes as well. Each time I watch it I feel the same. Thanks for your comment. Gordon

Simon said...

Wow ... amazing!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Each time I see it - amazing!