
Where have i been?

      Well, I certainly haven’t been to London to visit the Queen! No, no, but I did have to take a bit of time off for some personal family business. Hoping all will be well now, I shall continue to act in a manner proper for a blog poster – which is to blog!! Nice to be back, and thank you for your patience. 

     Let’s not forget the STORM! Electricity went off at 8 a.m., ‘Good Friday’, flicked on for a short while, and then stayed off until about 7.30 that evening. Needless to say, that outside of a great deal of reading little else could be done but listen to, and feel the storm.IMGP0160  And feel it we did.
     With no electricity the pump which pulls the water from the well stopped, leaving the pipes with only a small amount of water, which was not to be used – not good for the well’s sump to be dry. So we used saved rainwater to flush the toilet, and boiled it to wash ourselves, and the dishes. Drinking water was supplied by a small store of bottled water which is kept for such occasions. Hated the fact that it is stored in plastic containers, but beggars can’t be choosers when the survival urge hits.
     The waves were stupendous.The sea roared along the shore tossing logs like matchsticks across the beach, and the rain lashing brutally against the house, made it at times impossible to see out of the windows.  Branches, madly whipping about in the rain, were torn away by the wind to be thrown helter-skelter about the yard. The tall proud firs, their branches already victims of the storm, swayed, and groaned as if at any moment they too would be torn from their moorings, to come crashing down on the house!
As you can see we were not completely discomfited by the storm, the only worry being the possibility of a rogue limb torn from a tree, or some other tossed about object that might be thrown through our picture window, which had been our TV screen for the day. But fortunately all did turn out well, and the lights came back on a couple of minutes before ‘Jeopardy’ was to start, so all ended well, and we settled back to confound the contestants with our quite stunning erudition!

Estrella amarilla (yellow star) (etoile jaune) (stella giala)              Estrella amarilla (yellow star) (etoile jaune) (stella giala)            Estrella amarilla (yellow star) (etoile jaune) (stella giala)             Estrella amarilla (yellow star) (etoile jaune) (stella giala)

                                       All stained glass patterns are copyright of Chantal Paré. Visit "www.free-stainedglasspatterns.com"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the continuation of your story.

Photo of rehearsal at TUTS ........... what memories!
