
Mark Vincent

Well the weather certainly is not sticking to its promise – sunshine has not poured out upon us, and it looks like any pouring will be left to the rain clouds gathering above. Had promised the wife I would start cleaning the garden today - if the sun appeared! - but, oh dear, it’s just too, too wet. I’ll just have to carry on here I guess. “I’m a low cad, just a low cad, playing such a dirty trick. . . . . “ a line from the musical/opera “Candide” by Leonard Bernstein, comes to mind.
Speaking of musicals (were we?), segues quite easily into the following. I would like to take you - as your humble guide – to an event that took place in Australia in 2009, when a young, 15 year old boy won that year’s “Australia Got Talent,” contest. Mark Vincent is that teenager, and he, my friends, has a remarkable voice, as attested to by the following video of his first appearance on the show. A voice that enabled him to win top honor, and receive a cheque for A$250,000.

 He seems to be taking it all in his stride, has a humble quality that is real pleasure. This young man is going places. And I, for one, wish him the best.
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