
Mark Vincent 2

I am posting, today, a vocal, non-video, interpretation of Music of the Night, from the “Phantom of the Opera” by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The vocalist is again Mark Vincent, the young man from “Down Under,” who is being tagged with the moniker pop-opera singer, which annoys me. Now turned 16 he is still a kid, and who knows where, and to what heights, his voice will take him, but labeling him like that at this stage is unfair. Maybe my reaction is a bit much. You think?
I’ve chosen this from among his many recordings to show the emotional range and adult quality of his interpretation. He shades the words as though he lives the characters emotional pain and passion. In other words he pulls himself into the character and from the inside out pours out his plea.  I intend to keep track of his growth as a singer and artist, and as a person going into the future. I feel strongly that it will be worth it. Apparently he's a great guy, humble, and appreciative of his good fortune and of his vocal gifts. If you'd care for a bit of his biography I could post what I know, it's very interesting, and inspiring.

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Anita said...

I'd love to hear more of his singing. What a talent for someone this young .... or for someone any age! Thanks for sharing it with us.


Gordon Wales said...

I'm a great fan of his and hope for a great future for him.