
Oh glorious day!

Okay, maybe a bit over the top, but there is a lot of truth in it. On account of the cornflower beauty in the blueness of the sky: the fluff of the cotton ball clouds snuggling into the nooks and valleys of snow laden mountains; the fjords along the coast; the answering stillness in the breezes resting in the trees; the radiant sunshine the. . . . oh, oh, you’re probably remembering a penchant that I may have (you think?) that at this very moment troubles your mind with the question, “Oh, my god, is he out to do it again? Is laying out a mess of superlatives and assorted sticky, candy coated words which will once more cause a dull unseeing haze to blind my mind?” Moi, do such a thing? Heaven forbid! Okay, let me explain.
IMGP0277I’m sitting here at the computer, fingers idly, no firmly, typing out this post, but my gaze is constantly distracted from the moving letters in front of me. Why? Because my eyes keep glancing towards the window on my left. You see, the sights of nature as described in the opening sentence of this post lure my sight, and my mind away. Oh look, at this very moment I see the breeze beginning to stir the branches of nearby firs, giddying them to release their seed stuffed cones. (Great! And upon the grass will they lie, waiting to clog up the cutters of my hand pushed lawnmower, thereby forcing me to bend down every few seconds to  dig the damned things out!) No, no, I destroy the moment! Forgive me! I have shamed myself.
Mia culpa, scusa! But fret not, I shall go on, for I wish to have you with me to share the beauty of the beautiful Comox Valley. A beauty that gives unstinting pleasure season in and season out, every day of the year.
The Olympics, a wonderful success, are now over. The tens of thousands of visitors and athletes who attended the games have left the province and returned to their respective homes, there to spread word of the many wonders to be explored on this abounding island. Yes, we have had a wet winter, a very wet winter, which was not good for the slopes of Vancouver and Whistler, but everything worked out fine in the end. For us here though, Mt. Washington, just over a half an hour away from our home, had, amazingly, the deepest snow cover of any winter resort in the world! Just under 500 centimeters. Crazy, eh! Dozens of athletes from many countries practiced on the slopes above us, as did many Canadian competitors. Right now athletes who will be competing in the Paralympics are up there, busy preparing themselves for the March 12th opening of the Games. IMGP0278It is amazing that only a short distance away, and up a majestic mountain, a massive snow base has built up and is being utilized - even as I write - by snowboarders, skiers etc., while down here we enjoy the calm smooth sea, the mountains across the Strait framing the distant views, and welcoming flowers, Spring’s heralds, popping up all over the place, Even the lawn, growing thick at the edge of the sea, prepares itself for it's first haircut of the year.  And it’s only March 3rd! Wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How can I read the rest of this entry? I liked it and wanted to reread it.

Gordon Wales said...

Hi Anita - Glad you liked it, but it is complete in itself. There is another being prepared for posting that could be related to this one on it's way. Soon, soon!